Source code for paddlenlp.metrics.distinct

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import numpy as np
import paddle

__all__ = ['Distinct']

[docs]class Distinct(paddle.metric.Metric): """ Distinct is an algorithm for evaluating the textual diversity of the generated text by calculating the number of distinct n-grams. The larger the value of n-grams, the higher the diversity of the text. See detail at `Distinct` could be used as `paddle.metric.Metric` class, or an ordinary class. When `Distinct` is used as `paddle.metric.Metric` class. A function is needed that transforms the network output to string list. It should be noted that the `Distinct` here is different from the `Distinct` calculated in prediction, and it is only for observation during training and evaluation. Args: trans_func (callable, optional): `trans_func` transforms the network output to string list. Default None. When `Distinct` is used as `paddle.metric.Metric` class, `trans_func` must be provided. Please note that the input of `trans_func` is numpy array. n_size (int, optional): Number of gram for `Distinct` metric. Default: 2. name (str, optional): Name of `paddle.metric.Metric` instance. Default: "distinct". Examples: 1. Using as a general evaluation object. .. code-block:: python from paddlenlp.metrics import Distinct distinct = Distinct() cand = ["The","cat","The","cat","on","the","mat"] distinct.add_inst(cand) print(distinct.score()) # 0.8333333333333334 2. Using as an instance of `paddle.metric.Metric`. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from functools import partial import paddle from paddlenlp.transformers import BertTokenizer from paddlenlp.metrics import Distinct def trans_func(logits, tokenizer): '''Transform the network output `logits` to string list.''' # [batch_size, seq_len] token_ids = np.argmax(logits, axis=-1).tolist() cand_list = [] for ids in token_ids: tokens = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(ids) strings = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_string(tokens) cand_list.append(strings.split()) return cand_list paddle.seed(2021) tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased') distinct = Distinct(trans_func=partial(trans_func, tokenizer=tokenizer)) batch_size, seq_len, vocab_size = 4, 16, tokenizer.vocab_size logits = paddle.rand([batch_size, seq_len, vocab_size]) distinct.update(logits.numpy()) print(distinct.accumulate()) # 1.0 """ def __init__(self, n_size=2, trans_func=None, name="distinct"): super(Distinct, self).__init__() self._name = name self.diff_ngram = set() self.count = 0.0 self.n_size = n_size self.trans_func = trans_func
[docs] def update(self, output, *args): """ Update the metrics states. This method firstly will use `trans_func` to process the `output` to get the tokenized candidate sentence list. Then call `add_inst` to process the candidate list one by one. """ if isinstance(output, paddle.Tensor): output = output.numpy() assert self.trans_func is not None, "The `update` method requires user "\ "to provide `trans_func` when initializing `Distinct`." cand_list = self.trans_func(output) for cand in cand_list: self.add_inst(cand)
[docs] def add_inst(self, cand): """ Update the states based on the candidate. Args: cand (list): Tokenized candidate sentence generated by model. """ for i in range(0, len(cand) - self.n_size + 1): ngram = ' '.join(cand[i:(i + self.n_size)]) self.count += 1 self.diff_ngram.add(ngram)
[docs] def reset(self): self.diff_ngram = set() self.count = 0.0
[docs] def accumulate(self): """Calculate the final distinct metric.""" distinct = len(self.diff_ngram) / self.count return distinct
def score(self): return self.accumulate()
[docs] def name(self): return self._name